Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Moving: Keeping it Real

I'm all about keeping it real on the blog. Although buying your first home is exciting, it's not nearly as glamorous as the blogging world or the general media has led me to believe. Let me break it down for you, first you spend the month leading up to the move packing and cleaning a house you're leaving, then you rope in as many willing and able bodies as possible to help you move all of your furniture and posessions out of that house, onto a truck (with an elevator not a ramp), across the city, off the truck and into your new home. Then. they. leave. you...in a strange dirty house surrounded by boxes wondering what you should do first. This is where my expectations got the best of me. This is where I crashed, and this is the moment where I thought gee... we probably should have cleaned and painted the house before we moved in (***somebody remind me next time). I am trying my hardest to bite of manageable pieces of work, to be ok with putting something away even if it's not going to be its permanent home and to relax and enjoy the process as much as possible. To say this is difficult for me would be a GIGANTIC understatement, but for the sanctity of my health, home and future marriage, this is the best course of action!

And while my kitchen now looks like this (sorry for the dark nightime photo)

My dining room and sitting room look like this.

I am so exited to get to a point where I can show you rooms in the house and tell you about all of my plans. Until then, I will be working my way through the boxes and cleaning things I never ever imagined I would (i.e. have you ever vacuumed your walls because I am now an expert)?

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