Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Packing Light

My sweet friend Les came to visit this weekend and we had an absolute blast. She is one of my comfortable friends, one of those friends you can do nothing with and still have a wonderful time just being together. We went on a few shopping adventures and then checked out a small town nearby for a yummy lunch and some exploring. It was perfect! One of the things I love about her is that she doesn't pack light, she doesn't really even try, which I think is awesome! She brought a few bags of stuff and in one of those bags was a ton of fun and healthy snacks and magazines (since we love reading magazines). Here is just a taste of all the snacks that came with her!

Thanks for a wonderful weekend my friend, I can't wait to see you again soon! xo

1 comment:

  1. It is always so wonderful to spend time with you. Doing what we do best, relaxing, eating, browsing and generally have a great time. Thank you for the beautiful post. xo


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