Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Holstee Manifesto...a life shattering experience

I'm not sure exactly how I came across the Holstee Manifesto, but when I did, it spoke to me. I originally bought it for my office, but I love it so much I decided to hang it up at home...that and it says "If you don't like your job, quit", which I decided was a bit risky for an HR Manager's office!

The poster arrived a couple of weeks ago and I set out to get a frame for it. Michael's had their frames on sale for 50% off, so I bought a plain black one. Once I got it home, I unpacked the frame outside and noticed the corner was a bit rough. I set it aside and went to look for the receipt to exchange it. In the two minutes I was inside a gust of wind knocked over the frame and the glass shattered; that was the end of searching for the receipt! I framed it without the glass, touched up the corner, and it's ready to be hung.

I still haven't landed on the final spot, but i've got three picked out. I think the landing of the stairs is going to win out!


  1. Painting don't have glass so I'm sure this will look amazing when it's up. I've heard that this manifesto inspired Who Gives A Crap - a toilet paper company that will use 50% of profits to build toilets and improve sanitation in the developing

  2. I agree, it looks better without glass...and we got it up this weekend- foot of stairs won out:)

    Thanks for sharing the link- I love it!


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